Thursday, September 17, 2009


Political Depression—
Nothing Positive Is Emerging from Our
Choice to Change Direction

by Bill Breakstone, Somers, New York, September 17, 2009

It’s time to double up on anti-depressants! The Nation voted to elect President Obama based on his promise of change, of enacting policies that reversed the bias of previous administrations over the past 30 years to de-regulate the economy, engage in deficit building fiscal policies, of mis-managing foreign affairs, and ignoring the concerns of the average American family.

When he came into office, Obama rightfully attempted to reach out to the opposition that had so overwhelmingly been turned out of office, and seek a non-partisan solution to the crises the Nation was facing, and continues to face at present. He and his Congressional allies sought compromise on all issues, be they economic reform, education reform, foreign policy initiatives, education reform, in effect all matters that everyone considered essential in these troubling times to right our ship of sate and return America to growth-oriented policies that would move the Nation from the dismal present to a brighter future.

That attempt at bipartisanship has been rejected outright by a Republican minority focused on blocking all Administration initiatives on a purely ideological basis, not based upon a concern about the welfare of the Nation, but on the political reality that a defeat of Administration proposals will result in public frustration with its handling of these issues, and a public denial of the Administration in the coming mid-term elections. They have done their work very effectively.

So, where are we now? A total impasse on Health Care Reform, diminishing support from within his own Party about foreign policy, especially Afghanistan and Pakistan, and now Republican opposition to the Obama Administration’s plan to change course on the missile defense issue.

What is troubling is an apparent lack of Administration will and courage to proceed on a path that his supporters elected him upon. Moderates within his own Party oppose a Public Option on Health Care Reform, and he backs down. Voices within his Party voice opposition to his pledge to do what his Generals suggest in Afghanistan, and he backs off.

When is Obama going to stand up to the opposition, and initiate the changes that he promised to his base, whatever it takes? When will he and his advisors come to realize that there is no expectation to bring the minority, or even a few of them, on Board with his initiatives? Not one single Republican supported the compromise that Max Bauchus announced yesterday afternoon. None! And that mealy-mouth Committee agreement did not even contain a public option or any alternative thereto.

It’s absolutely sickening! Enough to think that there is something inherently wrong with our political system. Actually, it’s too early to forecast how all this will turn out, but many of my friends who supported Obama so fervently during the election are very disappointed with him at this point.

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